Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Movie Analysis Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs - 1697 Words

Through Disney animations Walt Disney has cultivated a society driven by stereotypes on gender roles that have restricted the liberties of young girls and boys alike to explore their own individuality. Disney s brilliance transcended beyond his ability to captivate an audience, his true talent resided within his ability to leave a direct impact on his viewers. As the prominent academic Jack Zipes puts it, The power of Disney s fairytale films does not reside in the uniqueness or novelty of the productions, but in Disney s great talent for holding antiquated views of society still through animation... (Zipes 433). I agree with Zipes in that Disney had an undeniable talent to create great relatable content. However, I also believe that†¦show more content†¦What began as an inclusive community brought together by the sharing of oral traditions, transformed into an exclusive society driven by the elitist group. Zipes and Tartar concur that through the process of history and tech nology fairytales have shifted from a communal aspect to notions of elitism and separation. However, in contrast to Tartar, Zipes believes that ...the print culture enabled the tales to be preserved and cultivated (Zipes 418), and ultimately it was through this violation of oral practices that gave rise to the ...great revolution and transformation of the fairy tale (Zipes 419). Whereas on the other hand, Maria Tartar argues that the creation of the printing press ...destroy[ed] the spirit of the stories rather than enabling critical thinking about them. (Tartar xxv). Tartar holds strongly on the communal aspect of fairytales and their improvisational energy. She believes that the ability of each person to creatively reinvent their own version of the folktale was crucial to the spirit and energy of the fairy tales. What is apparent among the two authors is that they both reference Walt Disney as the portal of fairytales in the world today. Zipes strongly believes that ...Disney was the one who truly revolutionized the fairy tale as institution through the cinema. (Zipes 425). Another author who would agree with Zipes claim isShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs 1064 Words   |  5 Pagesfatherless characters. Take, as examples, the movie Bambi ( 1942) in which a deer hunter killed Bambi’s mother, the movie Cinderella (1950) in which Cinderella’s mother dies at the beginning of the movie, the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) in which Snow White’s mother dies, once again, at the beginning of the movie. In Disney movies, most protagonists have no parents; they have absent parents, adoptive parents, or one parent who dies in the movie. 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